Problems uploading pictures to Twitter / Instagram / Facebook (Vodafone)

I regularly use Twitter, FaceBook, Instagram etc to upload pictures to the Internet and share them with my friends and family.
Since having an iPhone 4 on Vodafone, I’ve noticed problems uploading images via various apps. These problems occur regardless of whether I use FaceBook, yfrog, twitpic or other image upload services. I know that this has nothing to do with my user credentials because I;ve always been able to upload via Wifi connections.

I concluded that I must have a problem with Vodafone.

Firstly I assumed that this might be something to do with account restrictions preventing me from accessing certain websites. I called Vodafone and had account restrictions lifted, so I could access any website. This didn’t work.

Then I phoned Vodafone support and said that I was having these problems. The lady I spoke to said that she had an iPhone (on a different network) and that she had the same problem, so it must be something to do with Apple.

I wasn’t convinced by this, so I started to trawl the internet to see if I could find the correct network settings for Vodafone-connected iPhones. I found a few websites and by trial an error I managed to find some settings that worked for me.

The old settings were
Username: wap
Password: ***

OLD Vodafone APN Settings

The new settings (which work for my Vodafone UK handset) are:
APN: internet
Username: web
Password: web

NEW Vodafone APN SettingsNEW Vodafone APN Settings


I left the MMS settings the same, because I’ve never had problems with those settings.
I hope that this is useful to you. – The Internet Clipboard

I really like this tool that was recommended to me by Mark Sibley.


  • To use this clipboard, make up a URL similar to this and type it into your browser. the word ‘bish’ in the above URL with anything that you want. screenshot
  • Type or paste any text (like I did above) into the clipboard and click “save”.
  • Then, from any other PC open a browser up to the same URL to access the “clipboard” from somewhere else.
Whilst this is useful, I wouldn’t recommend using this public facility for sharing secret or commercially sensitive information.
It’s handy for the odd code-snippet or for sharing information with colleagues.


Evaluate string content in LoadRunner

This little bit of code was passed to by Mark Sibley. I thought that I’d reproduce it here because it looked useful. You can use this function to check whether a captured string contains a certain piece of text, this allows you to check for the presence of an error “word” when your captured string may not always use the same boundaries.

This gives similar functionality as web_reg_find but without the overhead of searching HTML as it is returned to the vUser, it allows “post processing” of captured text which tends to have a lower performance hit on the vUser.

	// Use this if you want to check whether something you captured contained a piece of text
	// It's handy if the same word appears in more than one type of error or warning message but doesn't // always have the same boundaries.
	if ((char *)strstr(lr_eval_string("{cCapturedString}"), "rejected") != NULL)
		lr_save_string(lr_eval_string("DATA USED:: Rows:[{cRowText}] Param Name:[{sCatParamTitle}] sCatTxt:[{sCatTxt}]"),"sDataUsed");

		lr_fail_trans_with_error("Expected:[%s] %s",Expected,lr_eval_string("Received:[{cCaptured}] User:[{pUserID}] I:[{pIteration}] T:[{sTransaction}] {sDataUsed}")); 
		lr_vuser_status_message(lr_eval_string("User [{pUserID}] completed I:[{pIteration}] T:[{sTransaction}]"));