Using LoadRunner to send an email

I recently read a question on a LoadRunner user forum ( asking whether it was possible to get Loadrunner to send an email.

I started thinking how useful this could be, for example, my DBA always wants to know when a test finishes so he can restore the database on the test system. He often asks me to ring him when a test finishes. This is fine, but can be a nuisance when running a long test, for example over a weekend or evening.
Wouldn’t it be good if we could use LoadRunner to send an email when the scenario finishes?

I played around with an old DOS command line email program (BLAT).
BLAT can be downloaded here.

Install BLAT into c:\blat and create a file containing your message body called Test.txt.

This command can then be used to send an email.

c:\blat\blat.exe c:\blatTest.txt -subject "Test Complete" -to -server -f -iu username -ipw password

The sample script in my GitHub repository will email the contents of a file with the subject line “Test Complete”. It is also possible to send email attachments using the -attach switch.


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