LoadRunner syntax highlighting with GeSHi

Last week I can across this article by Stuart Moncrieff who looks after the myloadtest.com website.

In this article Stuart describes how he wrote a php file for GeSHi (Generic Syntax Highlighter) which highlights LoadRunner C code using the same colours as vuser generator. This has been something that I’ve wanted for ages. Whenever I do documentation describing a script, I often want to paste it into my Word document, PDF or website using the same colours as LoadRunner.

Once Stuart wrote the syntax file, I decided to give it a go. I installed it on my site and modified the sample GesHi page so that LoadRunner was the default language type. It took no time at all thanks to the good documentation provided by Stuart and the developers of GeSHi.


The finished results can be seen here – https://bish.co.uk/geshi/example.php
Simply paste your LoadRunner code into the empty text box and click “submit”, GeSHi does the rest for you.
If you wanted to, you could choose a different language from the drop-down list to format the code in colours relevant to a different programming language such as COBOL, delphi, java, html, php or the other languages supported by GeSHi.

Sample output:
GeSHi screenshot

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