Christmas Greetings from “The Bishops”

Dear everyone,

It’s that time of year again and despite appearances, we haven’t “forgotten” to write cards, we’ve decided to donate our card/postal money to charity again. This year my Mum had a stroke during the summer so we’ve decided to donate our money to the Stroke Association, which is dedicated to improving the lives of people who have been affected by a stroke.

Apart from Mum’s bad news, Dad has also been in and out of hospital having lower back surgery for arthrosclerosis. Thankfully he’s recovering well. I’ve been in hospital too, for a second ankle fusion operation. I’m very hopeful that this second fusion will mean an end to ankle pain and a return to better mobility in 2016. Sarah’s Dad’s been in hospital too and thankfully he’s improving. All we can say is “thank goodness for the NHS” 🙂

Now for the better news…. James and Katie are both doing well at school. James is now in 2nd year seniors and Katie takes her 11+ in January. They both seem to be enjoying school as well as Scouting, swimming and playing in the school band. James has taken up Rugby, so the World Cup was a good way to kindle his enthusiasm (until England crashed out that is). Both James and Katie took up sailing when we had a week away in Scotland and they’re hoping to carry on with that next year.

Here are a few pictures of the year:

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Here is our now (almost) traditional annual “Elf Yourself” video.

Lots of love and Christmas cheer from

Richard, Sarah, James and Katie.

Author: Richard Bishop