As an Open University student I’ve had to get to grips with Harvard referencing. Coming from an IT/business background this was very unfamiliar to me, I’m more used to including hypertext links within the body of my documents. One day when I was using Microsoft Word 2007 (MS-Word) to write one of my assignments, I came across the “Citations and Bibliography” option.
At first glance, I thought this had solved my problem but Microsoft does not include the Harvard referencing standard by default when MS-Word is installed. I did a quick Google search and came across the “BibWord” website which includes many referencing styles, including Harvard, that can be downloaded and added into MS-Word.
This step by step guide shows how to download and install Harvard referencing, I hope that it will be useful to other students.
- Download and BibWord Extender 2.0 from the BibWord website. - If you’re using a recent version of windows, right click on the styles.zipfile and use the option to extract its contents to a folder*. Extract the files into your office bibliography folder.This is likely to be in one of the following locations.
C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice12BibliographyStyle
C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice12BibliographyStyleYou may be prompted with a warning that access is denied to the destination folder. Click continue when prompted with the warning shown below.
* The exact option that you are given to extract files will vary depending on whether you have installed WinZip or are relying on windows to unzip files for you.
- You then need to run the BibWordExtender2.exe program. This installs the styles into MS Word for you.
- Once you’ve done this, the option for inserting a Harvard reference will have been added to your “Citations and Bibliography” tab in the References “ribbon”.
Once this add-in has been installed it’s relatively simple to click on “References”, then “Manage Sources” to add the details of documents, academic articles or web pages that you’re referencing. The screenshot below shows how to add a reference to a sample web page (this one).
MS-Word maintains a list of all your references so you can go back to them at a later date or use them multiple times within one document.
Once you’ve added all your references, click on the “Bibliography button” to add a “bibliography” or “works cited” section to your document as shown below.
I hope that this guide helps to take some of the pain out of Harvard referencing for my fellow students.