When working on the previous article, Steven Woodcock found a problem where a string was losing it’s leading zeroes. They needed to be put back before his function worked properly and this is his solution to ensure that the output string was the correct length.
A working (ZIPPED) LoadRunner script can be downloaded so you can see this function in action.
strCharToPad – The String that requires to be padded out i.e. “123456”
cParamName – The name of the parameter you want the end value to be saved to
iValLength – The length you want the string to be padded out to i.e. 9
cValueToAdd – The character you want to pad the string out with, must be a single character i.e. “0”
Creates a LoadRunner parameter of a name specified in the input ‘cParamName’
int PadToX(char* cCharToPad, char* cParamName, int iValLength, char* cValueToAdd)
char cTemp[1024] = “”;
int iLoop = 0;
int iMainLoop = 0;
int iSubLoop = 0;
for(iMainLoop = 0; iMainLoop < iValLength; iMainLoop++)
if (iMainLoop == strlen(cCharToPad))
iLoop = iValLength – iMainLoop;
for (iSubLoop = 0; iSubLoop < iLoop; iSubLoop++)
strcat(cTemp, cValueToAdd);
strcat(cTemp, cCharToPad);
lr_save_string(cTemp, cParamName);