This afternoon, my wife (who is a Dentist) was looking for information on the BDA (British Dental Association) website ( . She called me over when she realised that somebody working on that site didn’t seem to know their own domain name. One of the links to previous articles sent users to (The British Deaf Association).
Doing the responsible thing, she laughed about the problem and sent a bug report (in the form of an email) to the BDA. They’ve promised to fix the problem, so no harm done (apart from some slight reputational damage).
This brings one thing to mind for me….
If you want to avoid this kind of embarrassing incident, you should employ “real testers” to find these sorts of bugs before your customers do.
How can we test for each link, if there are multiple pages (100+) : whether the URL link is going to right website or not on click of Previous or Next ?
Hi Srinivas,
You could use an automated link checker. There are several examples of them listed here at StackOverflow.
Write the output to a file and then sort by the URLs visited by the tool. This way you can quickly check for broken links or those links which go to incorrect pages or leave your website.
Having said this, it is important to make sure that the automation effort doesn’t exceed the likely time taken to test manually (especially if you aren’t going to repeatedly retest).
All the best